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  • Layer Thicknesses
    • Some of the recorded information includes:  Date, Time, Part Number, Lot Number, Code , Section, Serial Number / ID, Layers (for example – Bright, Semi Bright, Chrome, Copper,) Adhesion, Notes, etc. Calculates total plate thickness, total nickel thickness, and semi-bright ratio.
    • The Parts Specifications are shown beside each reading entry
  • S.T.E.P Reports
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Date, Time, Part Number, Line Number, Semi Number, Section Number, Serial Number / ID, BN-SBN, BN-HSA, MPN-BN, and Corrective Action / Notes
  • Micro Pours Chrome Count
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Date, Time, Part Number, Line Number, Section Number, Serial Number / ID, Reading, Test Type, and Corrective Action / Notes
  • C.A.S.S. Cabinet & Parts
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time the test started, and ended, Test cabinet #, Part,  Notes, Serial / ID Number. Cass Cabinet Readings (pH, Salt Concentration, Tower Temp, Tower Pressure, Cabinet Temp Wet & Dry, Solution Collectors 1-4, Adv of collectors & Adv Per Hour, etc.)
    • The CASS Cabinet Readings screen shows “Parts in Process” that shows all the information and elapsed duration of the parts in the CASS Cabinet
    • Supports over 44hr tests, and tests to fail that return a pass after the required hrs.
    • The CASS Parts Screen has a tab to show all readings taken on the CASS Cabinet while the part was in process
    • Prints Cass Test Certifications
    • Supports multiple testing cabinets
  • Salt Spray Cabinet & Parts
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time the test started and ended, number of hours,  Test cabinet #, Part,  Notes, Serial / ID Number, Produced Date & Time, Log Number, Sets of Checks with % White, % Red, and Result. Cabinet Readings (pH, Salt Concentration, Tower Temp, Tower Pressure, Cabinet Temp Wet & Dry, Solution Collectors 1-4, Adv of collectors & Adv Per Hour, etc.)
    • The Salt Spray Cabinet Readings screen shows “Parts in Process” that shows all the information and elapsed duration of the parts in the Salt Spray Cabinet
    • The Salt Spray Parts Screen has a tab to show all readings taken on the Salt Spray Cabinet while the part was in process
    • Prints Salt Spray Certifications
    • Supports multiple testing cabinets
  • Humidity Cabinet & Parts
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time the test started and ended, number of hours,  Test cabinet #, Part,  Notes, Serial / ID Number, Produced Date & Time, Log Number, Sets of Checks with % White, % Red, and Result.  Cabinet Readings (Tower Temp, Tower Pressure, Cabinet Temp Wet & Dry, Solution Collectors 1-4, Adv of collectors & Adv Per Hour, etc.)
    • The Humidity Cabinet Readings screen shows “Parts in Process” that shows all the information and elapsed duration of the parts in the Humidity Cabinet
    • The Humidity Parts Screen has a tab to show all readings taken on the Humidity Cabinet while the part was in process
    • Prints Certifications
    • Supports multiple testing cabinets
  • Printing of Q/A Certifications
    • Generate a complete “Quality Assurance Certification” for a customer’s part. The printed form is suitable to fax or mailed to your customer
    • Print a single sheet certification, or a table of 50 per sheet
    • Export data to Excel, CSV or HTML
  • Lab Instruments Inventory
    • Some of the recorded information includes: Name of the Instrument, Lab ID, Model Number, Serial Number, Location, Calibration Setup Information (up to 4 definable entries with spec limits and units, Internal & External calibration frequency), Service / Repair Information, Notes
  • Calibration / Standardization / Service Logs
    • Allows you to keep track of and schedule calibrations of items in the Lab Instruments section
  • Gage R&R Studies
    • Fast and simple, enter all your data and get a complete Gage R&R
  • Lab chemical / or other expiration date tracking
    • Expiry Date tracking
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