All tank information including Chemical makeup, limits, revisions, Notes.
Tank Reading / Analysis
Enter Analysis on a single item, tank or teach it preset batches of analysis to enter
Add sheets auto generated and can be edited before printing
Full SPC Graphing of all data
Each tank reading entered produces up to six graphable items. (For example when entering a chrome concentration reading you enter the titration and sulphate levels. This produces six graphable items: titration, sulphate, concentration, chrome ratio, addition of chrome, +/- Sulphate.)
Various full color graphs can be produced including: X Bar, R Charts, and Histograms.
Sample sizes from one (Graphing individuals) to ten can be set, and changed while the graph is on the screen.
The displayed graph is fully interactive. When a point on the graph is clicked, a status window will pop up containing all data on the selected point. Information displayed includes calculations on the reading Vs the graph’s control limits, the individual readings in the sample, a 3D Graph of the individual reading in the sample, etc.
When viewing the histogram, You can overlay the X-chart, and change the number of “segments” used on the fly.
You can enter further notes on any point on the graph. Notes can optionally be displayed on the graph. a Auto Notes option will display a note on any reading out of the control limits.
Combinations of the graph and data (readings or SPC Info) can be printed.
Capability Study information; Upper Limit, Upper Spec. Limit, Lower Limit, Lower Spec. Limit, zLCL, zUCL, Cp, Cpk, Cr, Pp, Ppk, Pr, Runs over seven, +3o, -3o, 6o, o, SD, SD(n-1), R/D2, etc. are calculated. This information can be displayed on screen, or can be optionally printed with the graph.
The Cp. Cpk, CR, +3o,-3o,6o,o can be calculated using one of three calculations; standard deviation, standard deviation(n-1), or the estimate formula of R/D2(SampleSize)
For Cp, Cpk, and CR a message is displayed explaining the results of the figures displayed.
Graph math, You can type math equations into the graph like “UCL-SAMPE/2” Some of the Pre-set variables that you can use are: LSL, USL, ZLSL, ZUSL, LCL, UCL, SIGMA, AVG, HIGH, LOW, CPK, CR, CP, MR, SAMPLE, RANGE, as well as all math functions like COS(), TAN(), etc.
Show Max/Min Lines will plot the Max and Min points of each sample on the Chart, this helps highlight samples that may not have all their individual readings within spec.
Graphing conforms to “Basic Statistical Process Control, Automotive Technology” by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology.
Fully Customizable Chemical Formulas
You can write your own chemistry including making any changes to factors, full control over how it calculates.
4 inputs and 4 outputs for a total of 8 pieces of cartable data per formula (vs 6 of Labworks – Plating / QC)
A different Upper, Optimal/Nominal, and Lower per line of the formula vs 1 per formula
A single formula can call for multiple chemical additions
Setup formulas for all your various things you analyze and the specifics of how calculations are made. For example; Chromic Acid Concentration, Chrome Surface Tension, TriNi Surface Tension, Coumarin/Perflow, Acid Concentrations, Nickel Sulphate, Nickel Chloride, Copper’s, Cyanides, Sulphur, Ductility, pH, DC1, BNA, Fluid Flows, Amperages/Voltages, Temperatures, Etc.
Calculates Chemical Additions / Recommendations
As readings are entered into the system the chemical additions are saved in a “Daily Add Sheet” that can be modified before printing. Selected readings can be moved to a “On Hold addsheet” There is also a notepad included that can store up to 20 pages of information.
Input Guard displays numbers +-20% of average input as possible errors. Helps when employees enter “56” for a pH that should of been “5.6.”