Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time, Reference Number, Line/Area, Tank/Location, Main Product, Identified By, Form Completed By, Production Loss in Bars/Racks, Form Completed By, Labor Hrs, Costs associated (Chemical, Treatment, Clean-Up, Misc), Description, Actions Taken, Recommendations, Issue Open/Closed, Initials
Prints various graphs and reports based either on cost or # of issues, or both (for example, Day of Week, Month of Year, Location of Incident, Line / Area, Main Product)
Environmental Expiry Dates
Effluent (Waste Treatment) Reports
Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time, Reference Number, Type (grab/comp), Location, Eight Readings, Description, Cleaner Pit, Actions Taken, Recommendations, Warning Limits, Alert Limits, Initials
flag non-conformances, warning levels, and total by non-conformance and day.
Print Effluent non-conformance & warning forms\
Various graphs
Noise Level Monitoring
Some of the recorded information includes: Date & Time, Reference Number, Location, Low Db Reading, High Db Reading, Corrective Action / Notes, Initials.